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3 Reasons to Give Your Cat Dry Food

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As your cat moves out of its kitten stage, you have to decide what kind of pet food to feed it. Some owners prefer to use wet food; however, others give their cats dry food. Wet cat food has its merits, but you might find it easier to try out dry food first. What are the benefits of using dry pet food?

1. Your Cat Grazes

Some cats will sit by their feeding bowl every mealtime waiting to be fed. They'll eat everything you give them immediately. However, some cats don't eat a lot in meal-time bursts. They graze throughout the day and eat a little bit of food every now and then. Some days, they'll eat as soon as you put down food. Other days, they'll ignore their food bowl until later in the day.

If you use wet food, then it might not stay appetising if it sits in a bowl for hours. The food will dry out and start to smell, and your cat may not want to eat it.  Your pet will ask for fresh food because the wet stuff in their bowl seems stale.

If you feed your pet dry food, then it can graze away happily whenever it likes. The food doesn't change consistency, shape or smell. It won't go stale during the day, and your pet will think it is fresher.

2. Your Cat Is a Fussy Eater

Cats are often fussy eaters. Some want to eat specific flavours and brands of food; others will only eat wet food if it has just come out of its tin. You could spend a lot of money on expensive foods that are wasted if your cat decides not to eat when the food is fresh.

Dry foods often work well for fussy eaters. You can use this food to wean your pet off its fussy habits. The food is there, and it stays fresh. Your cat may eventually decide that it is simply too hungry to wait for something different if you stick to your guns. Eventually, it'll get in the habit of eating the food you put down.

3. Your Cat Spends the Day Alone

If you're out at work all day and don't always come home at a regular time, then you might find it tricky to keep your cat fed. If it eats its morning meal quickly, then it won't have anything left to eat until you get home. You'll feel bad if you're late and your pet is obviously hungry.

If you leave your cat some dry food before you go to work, then you know that it has food if it gets hungry or if you're late home.  You can relax and your cat will be fed.

If you aren't sure which dry pet food to use, ask your vet for advice.
