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Three Practical Reasons to Get Your Pet Desexed

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Getting your dog or cat desexed is a great idea for many reasons, whether they are male or female. This article lays out three practical reasons that desexing is a convenient and responsible choice.

Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies

The main, and most obvious, reason to get your dog or cat desexed is to avoid unwanted pregnancies. If your pet is a female, this can cost you a lot of money, as she will need vet care throughout her pregnancy and birth, and you'll also need to find a way to find suitable homes for the litter. There can also be complications and issues that will cause you stress, as well as being uncomfortable for your pet. If your dog is a male, you might also find yourself stuck with vet bills.

Reduce Undesirable Behaviours

Dog or cat desexing won't completely change your pet's behaviour, but it can certainly improve it. For example, Vet Street explains how, before desexing, dogs often feel the urge to roam the area to find mates, and that desexing will solve this. Roaming can be very dangerous, especially if you live near a busy road. Your dog might also be desperate to mate and be very lively as result. With cats, you might feel that female cats keep yowling and calling at night for a mate, which can be annoying. It will also stop female animals from bleeding, meaning they will be easier to care for.

Avoid Certain Health Conditions

Finally, cat or dog desexing can help your pets to avoid certain health conditions, which can allow them to live longer and healthier lives. For example, it means that female animals can no longer get cancer of the womb or an infection of the womb. Male pets will no longer be able to get testicular cancer or injuries to the testicles. These conditions can be hard to notice, painful for your pet, and very expensive to treat. Desexing is a safe way to reduce the risk of certain conditions, including cancer. It can also reduce the risk of your pet becoming injured while roaming and make conflict with other animals less likely.

If you want to avoid pet pregnancies, certain health conditions, and unwanted behaviours, getting your cat and dog desexed is the best and simplest way to achieve those goals. Speak to your vet about your pet desexing options and how the operation would work for your pet.
