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Emergency Steps to Follow After Your Pet Ingests Poison

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One of the most challenging pet emergencies you can deal with is poison ingestion. The confusion comes in because chemicals can often have a different effect in animals than in humans. This also means that the known first aid measures which deal with chemical poisoning in humans might not work as well in pets. It is important to educate yourself about the common poisoning hazards which exist for every pet and to ensure that you are always ready to offer emergency care and first aid, should your pet ingest something harmful. Here are some guidelines which can help you deal with a pet that has ingested something toxic:

Classifying the Common Toxins in the Home

The first preventive measure you can take is to understand all the items which are potentially dangerous and toxic to your pet. Some of the most common toxins that your pets ingest include human medications such as over-the-counter medicines, herbs and supplements. Human foods such as coffee, onions, chocolate, garlic and xylitol are also harmful to pets. Insecticides and rodenticides are other common sources of pet poisoning in the home. The first line of defense you can create against poisoning is keeping these harmful items far away from your furry friends.

Learning the Symptoms of Poisoning

The second thing you can do to prevent poisoning from becoming fatal is to learn and understand all the signs of pet poisoning. Sometimes, your animal might not exhibit any signs of poisoning, even though they have ingested something harmful. Some general signs of poisoning include increased heart rate, vomiting, diarrhoea, breathing problems, convulsions and teary eyes. If you are concerned that your pet has ingested something poisonous, it is advisable to see a veterinarian even before they start showing any physical symptoms.

Contacting Emergency Services

The third thing you need to always have as a pet owner is the contacts of a competent pet veterinarian. There are emergency pet clinics that will respond to your call, regardless of the time of day. Look for a good clinic close to you and keep their contact information handy, to be on the safe side. Remember that when you reach the vet in time, your pet's survival chances will increase.

These are simple-to-follow guidelines that will help you have an easier time dealing with pet sickness, poisoning and other emergencies. The essential thing is to have a trusted and competent veterinarian close to you at all times. 

For more information, you can contact veterinary clinics like Queensland Vet Specialists.
